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Can Daycares be as Good as Homes?

August 26, 2024

Can Daycares be as Good as Homes?

Ever since your child’s birth, you might have spent almost every single day of your life staying up all night and day, tending to their needs and seeing them giggle. That rosy period has come to an end and you now have to resume work. 
‘Is my child ready for daycare?’
‘But, why do I feel a knot in the pit of my stomach every time I think about having to send your child to daycare?’
‘Am I doing the right thing or am I being selfish?’ 
‘Should I take a step back in my career for my child?’ 
These questions might be looming large in the mind of every mom considering sending their child to daycare. While it’s ok to feel this way, we’ll tell you why sending your child to the Mindseed daycare is the right decision for both you and your kid. 

Your Child, Our Responsibility 
We take care of your child like our own. If you are wondering about the daycare quality vs home care quality, here’s how Mindseed stands out by providing services of home care quality at daycare.  

Cognitive Development 
At Mindseed, we aim at providing our children with an environment that promote curiosity and exploration. We will get your child involved in activities like colouring, cutting out shapes, playing with blocks and numbers etc. It might seem like play, but these activities are crucial to ensure cognitive development in children. It helps in boosting their fine motor skills. 

Social Development
In a daycare setup, your child will be accompanied by many other kids. Here, we encourage our little ones to interact with their peers, express themselves and voice out their opinions through various activities. As your child, be it a newborn or toddler, grows around others of their age, it will help in their social development. They will learn to communicate, share toys and solve disputes with other children. 

Consistency in Care 
If a staff member who is responsible for your child’s care happens to fall sick, we make sure that it doesn’t affect your child’s schedule nor the functioning of the daycare. They will be replaced by another member for that specific time. That’s our way of ensuring a consistent and reliable source of care. This way, you can manage your schedules and responsibilities easily. 

Time to Rest 
When a woodcutter is set out for cutting wood he has a sharp blade. But, after a while, its sharpness wanes. At this point, if the woodcutter does not stop to sharpen his knife, he will just end up hacking the logs and not being able to get the wood cut in the manner that he wants to.         
Now, think of yourself as that woodcutter. Your energy is that blade which will help you in shaping your kid’s childhood in the desired form. Giving yourself space for some me-time will enable you to gain the energy to be a truly present parent. We can help you in getting that downtime to regroup yourself and ‘sharpen’ your parenting skills! 
Despite these pros, you might still have some concerns regarding the safety of your child at daycare. So, here are a few things we follow to ensure that we’re the best daycare centre for your child. 

Child’s Safety
When the parents are dropping off their kids at the daycare, they need to be assured about the safety of their children. While you need not be looking for prison-level security, some safety necessities should be in place to ensure that both the children and staff are safe. 
Our daycare facilities have proper cameras positioned at key areas including the parking lot, classrooms, playgrounds and other activity areas. Every window and door has childproof locks. There is also a sign-in and sign-out system for visitors in place. Additionally, regular health inspections are also being conducted. 

Staff-to-Child Ratio
While visiting a child care centre, you need to ask for their staff-to-child ratio. It’s always better to choose a facility which assigns fewer kids to each adult. At Mindseed daycare, the staff to child ratio for toddlers and older children are 1:6 and 1:10 respectively. When there are more adults to look after the children, parents will feel confident about the facility’s safety. 

Childproofed and Secure 
The infant daycare centres need to be as safe and child-friendly as possible. That’s why we ensure proper sanitation and safety measures are followed to ensure both indoor and outdoor safety of the child. Since children get into all kinds of trouble, especially during playtime, we have undertaken precautions to keep them from harm’s way in every possible way. 
The furniture in Mindseed is secured to the walls and floors and if all the electrical units have safety covers. Additionally playground equipment and play materials are checked regularly to ensure that it’s child-safe. 
For most parents, making the decision to send your child to the daycare can be laborious. You might still feel their hands and legs glued to your body. While you are on the lookout for the best ‘daycare for infants near me’, we hope that these daycare advantages of Mindseed are not overlooked. Please do consider Mindseed Preschool as your child’s home away from home. 

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